Two Ways To Make It

21. For the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall remain in it. 22. But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it.

Proverbs 2:21-22 – KJV

You were called and put on this earth not only to walk a certain way, the way of goodness, but also to keep to the paths of righteousness. This is a principle that whoever applies it will be able to remain on earth [make heaven]. The Bible says that for us to dwell in the land we need to be upright. That’s not it, in order to remain on that land, we need also to be blameless. Because the wicked will be cut off from the earth and remove from it.

What is this reminds us of? Rapture time right? As the judgement of the dead, anyone not find in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire (read Rev. 20:11-15). Where do you stand? If this next second or next breath was your last, because of your characters and ways of living, will your name be found in the book of life? God is asking us to change our ways if we want to make it.

Jesus and other good men already showed us the ways which is the ways of personal integrity, honorable character and moral courage. And also showed us how to keep to the paths of the righteous. For that, there are two conditions we must apply:

  1. Be Upright: Right standing with God not men.
  2. Be Blameless in God’s sight not men.

One may ask if with these two only can help you make Heaven. Guess what, YES they will. Because if we haven’t accepted and believed in Christ and that God the Father has sent Him [JESUS] for our salvation and to show us the way, we will do things to please men and not God. These two conditions are about God not men. And if applied correctly we are being humble, serving and loving God therefore loving our neighbors as ourself and are following God’s commands. It’s not about show up but show forth God’s glory, God kingdom inside us.

Can you love someone and treat that person badly with your words and bad characters? No, and if you think you can, then check yourself again. Because Jesus had all the rights not to continue with His purpose on earth but He never paid us evil for evil but with love, by being blameless and upright He exhibit a sacrificial love and finished His race and showed us how to do the same. There is not two ways. Don’t deceive yourself, light and darkness doesn’t mix nor belong together (Cor. 6:14). You cannot have a bad characters and say you love people and expect to make it. God cannot be mocked (Gal. 6:7). He showed us the ways(precepts) and expect us to abide by them.

Are you today, going to change your ways and walk in right standing with God and be blameless in His sight? It’s not about men but God. Men will lead you to your grave but God to life because your reward will be in Heaven (Matt. 6:1-21).

I encourage you today to:

  • Stop standing for men and start standing for God so He can make you outstanding in front of men.
  • Stop practicing your righteousness in from of men and start be in right standing with God for your reward will be eternal.
  • Stop showing off in front of men but start showing off Christ-like characters in you so that in due time God’s glory will show forth in your life.
  • Stop blaming others for everything [or your failures] and start looking inwardly to change and embrace what God has put in you. Until you use what God has deposited inside you, you will not be useful to anyone else.
  • Stop presenting yourself to men and start presenting yourself to God by spending quality time with Him in the secret place so He can present you to men in due time.
  • Stop trying to prove a point or have the final say towards men and start proving the good news of Christ in your life through your actions.

God called us to do everything without complaints, arguing or disputing so that we may become blameless and pure then shine among men like stars in the sky (Phil. 2:14-15). We only give and exhibit what we have inside us. The blessings flows from inside out not outside in. So until we are walking in the ways of the Lord, people will not see nor follow the Christ we are trying to portray. Don’t be the one to chase people away from God by your characters but be God’s witness to bring people to Him by your good, humble and loving ways no matter what.

It’s never too late, turn to the Lord now and He will have mercy on you, for He will freely pardon and embrace you. Our ways and ways of thinking are not His (Isa. 55:8-9) Therefore trust in God and lean not in your understanding and He will show you the areas you need to change. Submit all to Him and He alone will make your path straights (Prov. 3:5-6)

Let’s pray:

Father, we thank you for this day and Your word. Be thy magnified and lifted up. Have mercy on me the times I have been wicked and unfaithful to You via my brothers and sisters. Open my eyes to see what I am doing wrong and help me to fix the areas in my live that need fixing. Give me the grace to keep the path of the righteous by being upright with You and blameless. I declare from today, by the grace of God that my ways shall be good and I will submit to the Lord and He alone will make my paths straight in Jesus mighty name I have prayed.

Remember that you are blessed and highly favored for God loves you and want you to make Heaven.