To Whom Do We Testify?

Most of the times when we think of our trials as punishments from God which are not, we tend to look at them as source of pain. If that’s you, I encourage you today to stop looking at them that way but now look at them as a source of hope and opportunity to bless and comfort others. When God heals and delivers us from our bondages and trials, it’s not only for us to keep or a reason to follow Him more but It’s also to bless others by testifying what God has done so they can be marveled and give their lives to Christ Jesus [or draw closer to Him as we do]. We have all been called to testify what God has done because our lives are a living testimony.

We will continue with the scriptures I shared in my previous post (7 Steps To Learn From Demons) in the book of Mark which reads:‬ ‬‬

“Then they began to plead with Him to depart from their region. And when He got into the boat, he who had been demon-possessed begged Him that he might be with Him. However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, ‘Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.’ And he departed and began to proclaim in Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him; and all marveled.”

Mark 5:17‭-‬20 NKJV

As we focus on these verses, we will elaborate on Jesus action and and why He is an advocate of testimony. Before we dive into these topics, I want us to ponder on this question: Do you think you possess a testimony that can bless others and bring them to Christ?

A) Jesus in Action as He is Calling Us To Do the Same

Reading Mark 5 up to verse 17, we see here that Jesus is the Man in action
who has authority over all, showing to the gentiles who is in power and divinely capable to heal the sick. Even though His actions scared those gentiles to the point they begged Him to depart from that region, He didn’t fight back but walked away. Why is that? Because He knew who He was and how hard the gentile’s hearts were to hear anything [as fear took over them] so He left the area. Sometimes in life we find ourselves in such environment [or conflicts] but instead of walking away we hang on to them to either prove or defend ourselves. The only One we need to prove ourselves to is Jesus. If people don’t believe what you overcame through Christ or a testimony you shared or even pushing you away for all of that then so be it. Act like Jesus did and walk away. It is not your lost but theirs. Know who lives inside of you and God id fighting your battles. Maybe God will give them another opportunity to redeem themselves but that should not be your concern. No more trying to forcefully make people believe in your testimony. Learn to fight the good fight of faith and timely walk away from things that will only bring more fuel than ease the situation in life. Let’s try not to control things that are above our ability. For Jesus is in control, Amen!

While continuing reading I asked myself this question which in turn I am asking you: After Jesus solved their longtime problem, why do you think the gentile still wanted Jesus to go away? It’s simply because of the unknown. For they had unsuccessfully tried everything within their own powers to restrain or control the possessed-man and finally concluded that his case was doomed for he was evil possessed. To see Jesus with effortless ways freeing the man was frightening. They didn’t know how to handle it. They must have thought that Jesus was a demon in order to do what He did. Therefore, the fear that entered them consequently made them to push Jesus away. Unlikely to these demons inside the man, the gentiles didn’t recognize who Jesus was and were unwilling to find out.

What do you think happen to most of us when we go through challenges? We tend to push it away or sometimes negatively label it right? After my divorce, I was more active at Church and was more vocal sharing my faith. One close friend of mine came up to me and asked me if I do really have a genuine [true] love for God or I was just serving Him because of what I was going through? I looked at him and was burning from the inside but the Holy Spirit ministered to me saying he cannot understand my pain because it’s a blessing in disguise. Why people can’t just be happy for your promotion, elevation or support you in your endeavors? Instead they see your testimony as a setback, something negative or tend to discourage you more. All I can say it’s people can share their opinions according to their flesh. At the end, the fact that most of us reject the solution to our problems make us walk away and miss our blessings.

What is happening in different cases is God’s operating miracles in our lives but instead of praising the God behind the miracle or find out how we can actually follow the change, we let fear set in and cloud our judgment. And is it not a good thing to get closer to God after getting a miracle [for example, someone getting a job without applying or getting pregnant after menopause, and more…]? God manifest His miraculous wonders to show forth His power for others to believeIn the other side, we have what is usually call witchcraft where one has twisted someone hands or sold herself [or himself], and so forth… We always push away, wrongly attribute [credit] things that are beyond our comprehension instead of taking the time to know and embrace that new knowledge of truth behind it and tabbing into that blessing by glorifying God for that person. Not everyone around you is happy for your testimony but that should not stop you or pull you down.

Regardless of what your thoughts can be, the circumstance you are in or what people are trying to tell you, you should keep in mind God knew you when He ordained your steps and formed you in your mother’s womb. Those trials or setbacks are to train you for God’s plans, will and purposes. No power can change or destroy God’s plans for our lives, for none can die or will ever die for us except Jesus Christ, who did it two thousand years ago. Remember you are important to God and He will never leave nor forsake you. So be obedient and [have faith] trust Him for He is the situation controller, a miracle working God and die for us so we can have an eternal and abundant life, Amen!

As Jesus was rejected in that region while exercising His responsibility towards men, He is calling us to also go out there to share the gospel [good news] to others. The only thing we need to realize while doing this is that [when we do the things of God], we are not meant to save everyone but the few God has put on our path to impact. Guess what! Jesus was in that specific place [Gerasene] for that demon possessed-man only and not for everybody in that region. That’s why He left after He finished His mission there. You may have been called to preach or to empower people through Church, work, social media, reaching out (evangelizing, testimonies) and so forth. Don’t be discouraged if you get rejected, if no one approaches you, you get a “No thank you” or no reaction(s) from people. Remember we are not meant to reach all lives around us but just specific people assigned to us by God. Even if it’s one person as Jesus did in that area, just make sure you don’t miss it. To do that, you need to continually study the Word of God for constant communication and do your work while waiting for God’s direction. That one life you will impact will have ripple effects in many other lives. Jesus saved the demon-possessed man who then went back to his hometown and spread what God had done in his life. Those who heard him I am pretty sure they got saved as well because of his testimony. Like a seed when planted by the river multiplies, so your testimony and your work will do the same in affecting those lives at the right time. Always keep in mind you might be that seed for your family, colleague, or someone in a street.

Simeon waited for the consolation of Israel which was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit before he could die (Luke 2:25-27). He didn’t know the day and time but he never gave up. He was still doing his work until Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple to perform [consecration to the Lord] redemption of the first Son in obedience of the Torah (Presentation of Jesus at the Temple). That doesn’t mean he didn’t consecrate other babies before the birth of Jesus Christ. He did but his calling was on that specific baby [which was Jesus]. My questions to you are these: “Are you working towards your calling? Is going to Church on Sundays or be involved in Church activities enough for you? What are you doing to prepare yourself towards God’s calling even if you are not aware of it?” Don’t comfortably wait on God because He has specifically created you for something which is your calling. Don’t waste your time doing nothing for God, prepare yourself and let the Holy Spirit helps you build your spiritual life [mind] in order to get you ready for the work ahead of you. As we can see how Simeon never stopped consecrating babies while waiting on his calling which was to consecrate baby Jesus Christ.

B) Why Did Jesus Stopped the Demon-Possessed Man for following Him?

Here we will see how Jesus wants us to go outside of our Sundays routine or comfort zone and actually reach out to those close to us be it at home, work, school, street, on a trip or in a way we haven’t. We were not created to keep what God has done to ourselves but instead to testify about it.

 “And when He got into the boat, he who had been demon-possessed begged Him that he might be with Him. However, Jesus did not permit him,” (Mark5:18-19)

Maybe like me, you must be telling yourself: “[Jesus that wasn’t fair]. For the people of that region are chasing you away and you leave that guy with them? come on now” Right?… But guess what! Jesus is compassionate and knows the end of all things from the beginning. His Words said He will not give us what we can’t bear or leave us nor forsake us. For His plans are higher than ours and thoughts greater than ours. We may not comprehend His thoughts process as we are going through our hurdles but once out and looking back, we will be like ahhh this is what God was doing and laugh about it. Why are we afraid of going through the fire? Which might be your trials, spouse or children, relationship, finance, desires, nothing is working out for you and so forth. Why? It’s only because our sinful nature [flesh] loves easy routes and everything contrary to the Spirit. Jesus’ path on earth and even life itself as we look closely show us that nothing comes easily and you need to go through some sacrifices, right? Things happened for a reason. Don’t be too quick to judge your situation for God doesn’t make mistakes. Be encouraged today that God will come through on time for you. Therefore, do not quit for your situation will soon pass. Wait for God’s timing, trust in God and the process. Whatever you went [or are going] through is not greater than God and can never separate you from Jesus, Amen!

Let’s go back to our topic on why Jesus didn’t allow the man to follow Him. I am pretty sure we have listened to or read stories of people that experienced heaven, right? What is common among all of them? What usually happen when God ask them to go back on earth? Their reactions are usually “No I want to stay here with You Lord”, isn’t it? Why is that? Simply because of what they experienced (saw or felt). This is the same thing that happened with the man that was possessed. He experienced something new, freedom, felt peace, love and didn’t want to leave Jesus’ presence which is totally understandable. Honestly, who wants to leave paradise to go where there is a constant pain? No one, I am sure. Once you have a taste of Jesus even if you are suffering to the core, you will never leave Him. A better understand of this can be found in the Book of Job in the Bible.

From my understanding, God has created us to be His workmanship not extras. He has equipped us to work for Him and no one else. In Genesis after all creation, it’s written that on the seven-day God rested and still resting for He has giving us the choice and all tools we need to do the work. That’s why after we have an encounter with Him as the man who was possessed had, we need to work for Him by sharing God goodness with others. Therefore, don’t think trials are punishments from God but rather are just a difficult moment of your life that has already have an end knowing that God is always right there by your side. The trials you are going through are to strengthen you, mature you and to position you to be that disciple called to proclaim the Gospel. Also, it’s an opportunity to share what God has done for you to others in the same situation so they may have hope and turn to Him. Again, be encouraged if you feel you have been punished with your unending trials by keeping these in your mind:

  • You are not a mistake or trash for God has chosen you specifically for a purpose;
  • You are not alone for God is with you [even in the dark], orders your steps and lives inside you (His Spirit in you is greater than your worries);
  • You are not unloved or a disgrace for God loved you first and gave up His only Son for you;
  • You are not a looser or weak for Jesus lives inside of you is a winner and you are more than conqueror through Christ who strengthen you;
  • You are not good for nothing for God created you in His image to worship Him and bring lost souls to Him;
  • You are not ugly for God has wonderfully and fearfully formed you;
  • You are not un-favored for you are the apple of God’s eyes and He highly favors you.

No matter what they say, fix your eyes on Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of your faith. He is the only One who loves you more than anyone does in this world and has your back even when you go astray. Jesus prevented the demon-possessed man to follow Him but instead Jesus wanted him to go and testify to the world [his hometown] about God goodness in his life. So, this is normally how we should do after getting our testimony otherwise we will be missing our calling for we are God instruments. We are more useful and productive in the eyes of God when spreading the Word of God to others. Once we encounter God like this demon-possessed man, we need to spread it to others. That is the active part of our duty as a believer. Don’t only be a hearer but also be a doer of the Word, Amen!

Let us keep in mind sometimes God takes us through the mess in life for us to have a message [note] for others. Your battle experience is the key to [break] unlock someone else [chain] prison. For when God heals and delivers us from our bondages and trials, it’s not for our personal consumption but share with others by proclaiming what God has done so they can be encouraged and boost their faith. Also, so they can be marveled and give their lives to Christ Jesus or draw closer to Him.

The man that was demon possessed must have asked himself: What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits [goodness] toward me? (Psalm 116:12). So, desiring to go with Jesus was for him a form of giving back, being grateful and surrendering to Jesus for what He has done in his life. Little does he know that in order to render unto the LORD for all His benefits toward him, he was supposed to go back to his root and spread the good work of Jesus in his life. That’s the reason Jesus sent him back home to his friends which were in Decapolis. Today, Jesus is also sending us out there to spread the Word and share our testimonies with others.

If by now you haven’t realized it, I just want you to know that we all have something to testify about in our lives. It might be the fact that you are up and about, healthy, have a job, family, friends, have a roof over your head, have clothes to wear or something to eat. Some people out there don’t even have half of what you have but they are able to testify and go by their day with no complaint or no fear. Revelation 12 tells us that “they overcame [conquered] Him [enemy] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced[afraid] with death.” As much as God has His part to play which He will always [surely] come through [by the blood of the Lamb], we have have to also play our role which is to testify in order to get seal our testimony. Yesterday at my Life Group meeting, one of my sisters in Christ shared something that empowered me more to keep on testifying no matter the circumstances. A family she is sharing the Word of God with has been reluctant but when they told her about their financial challenges, it opened the door to evangelize. The Holy Spirit reminded her about one of a testimony I shared during one of our previous meetings which was about my tithing and how God came through for me financially. So, sharing my testimony with them, she was able to give them hope and get through to them. When I heard that, it just confirmed that testimonies are indeed powerful and important so we have to take them seriously. If you want to see things happening in your life, act as a genuine child of God by testifying God’s glory in your life. “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required” (Luke 12:48) and “Whoever is faithful with very little will also be faithful with much” (Luke 16:10). Sharing testimony attract more blessing. If you want to know how testifying can affect your blessing, stay tune for my next post.

Let’s pray
Father in the name of Jesus, open our hearts for understanding to know your words for our present situation. Help me to exercise my responsibility towards man. Holy Spirit help me and empower me to live supernaturally and to faithfully believe that God’s ways are to train and strengthen me for His will, purpose and plans. Oh Lord order my steps and my path to Your Truth. Holy Spirit, help me to walk away when conflicts arise and to focus my eyes on Jesus who is my defender and ever present-help in time of needs. Oh Lord help me to face unwanted changes and unusual situations with no fear for I trust and take refuge in You. Father make my life a testimony that can minister to unbelievers like the healing of the demon-possessed man in Jesus mighty name I have prayed, Amen!

God bless you and remember and don’t forget to share and bless someone that need to hear this. Go boldly with confidence and testify with others.