How Testifying Alters Blessing

We all have something to testify about and I have listed some of them in my previous post (To Whom Do We Testify?). No matter the pain or trial we are going through, we always have to be grateful to our Heavenly Father. For it’s in the [midst of] the fire that we are purified. As the gold is going through the fire to be refined. Yes, the process might be long, painful but if we want the will and the way of God to happen in our life, we must be willing to trust and surrender. You will sometimes have to trust on the impossible. You may have [as an act of surrender] to give up what you like or who you love; to get out of your comfort zone, and to say or do thing that you never see yourself doing for the sake of Christ. These are some fire you will have to go through, die to yourself in other to be refined and ready to be used by God.

A raw gold is not talk about as much and it’s not usable before it undergoes the fire process; but its history and life will be told after the refining process and placed in a shell to be sold [used].  So why do you think God will want to use you in your sinful [raw] self? If Jesus can testify His life and all that concerns Him through the Bible [which is God’s breathed word], that means it is crucial and important. Therefore, who are we not to testify? There is no testimony without a test. If you believe God has done something amazing in your life, TESTIFY; You’ve got to go and tell somebody. There is power in testifying.  The emphasis on this post is on how testifying can alter or activate blessings in three different aspects and also how greatly it matters to whom you share it with. It doesn’t mean you will not be blessed if you don’t share your testimony but it will play a big role on how you want to seal that blessing. As we dive in again to the Scriptures, we started in my previous post1 in the book of Mark, but this time we will focus on the last two verses which read:

  “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.”  And he departed and bean to proclaim in Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him; and all marveled.”

(Mark 5:19-20 NKJV)

What is testifying? According to Merriam-Webster, testify is to make a statement based on personal knowledge or belief; to bear witness; is to serve as evidence or proof; to express a personal conviction. It’s to affirm or declare solemnly forthe purpose of establishing a fact. John 3 says “We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen.”

As we now know what testify is and what are the things we can testify about, let’s briefly recap what happened in today’s scripture. After been set free in Gadarenes (Gerasenes), the man that was possessed as a sign of gratitude wanted to follow Jesus but Jesus had a different plan/assignment for him. To serve Him better, Jesus sent him away to go testify in his hometown at Decapolis where he will be making greater impact in people’s lives by edifying them [with what Jesus] and in the same process honoring Christ.

Jesus sent the man away alone knowing that He will be with him in Spirit. So do not think you are alone when you receive a call or message from God. He is with you every step of the way and If He send you or position you somewhere, then He will not only provide and equip you but He will also protect you and will never leave your side. Our response to His call is to be obedient, trust and do it with joy as the man that was demon possessed did. With faith, joy and obedience, the man went as Jesus commanded to testify [telling the miracles of Jesus] in his hometown which was Decapolis. Are we obedient to God’s command, ordinances in our life? Or are we procrastinating or grumbling?

Someone out there is waiting to hear your testimony in order to be transformed. As people marveled after his testimony (v.20), Jesus is showing us that testifying is really important so that:

Testifying is Important
  •  Christ can be honored,
  • People might be amazed [in awed], and
  • People might be edified and invited to believe in Christ.

Therefore, are we testifying as God has called us to do so that lives can be changed and Christ glorified? Or are we keeping them to ourselves? The man that was possessed got delivered in one region but why did Jesus sent him to testify in another region? Because the fear of the unknown, people from Gerasenes chased Jesus in that area. Jesus knowing their hearts, sent the man to a place where people will relate and be amazed; where lives will be changed and Jesus be glorified as a result. There is a reason why Jesus sent him home to testify, home is a dwelling place therefore, implies family. Jesus had compassion [pity, mercy on him] and demonstrated the importance of having his works, miracles shared by bringing it first to closed ones. Why? They are people who we grew up with like family members, friends, colleagues, and neighbor(s). People who knew us before Jesus touched [transformed] us so can see the change, strongly relate, and desire it as well. Your testimony will not only touch them but it will also be a source for others to use as a testimony. The sad part is that not all who see the change in you will believe or rejoice with you.

Jesus asked the man to testify the great things He has done in his life. We see that Jesus values life and came to Gerasenes only to save this man’s life. This on its own is a great message to share with all. Our lives are not beyond hope but are valuable to Jesus and subject to be testified about as good news. If He was able to deliver this man then He can also change our situations, free us from addiction, bondage, sickness, etc.… When we often hear one giving personal testimony of someone unknown to us, we tend to just node our heads, be amazed or disregard it. If we don’t know the power of God and how He operates, we can easily dismiss the person’s testimony. But when we do know, it gives us hope and encouragement that the God we serve indeed is alive, faithful and still does miracles. But when God touches someone that you know, your view changes and you are more prompt to believe right? Because it simply hits home and you can’t deny.

Most of the times when we share the goodness of God, we have a habit of forgetting to bring it home where we got the prayer from [it might be the person that has been praying for your situation]. Instead, we first testify to people other than to the one that prayed with us. The risk here is those people may not easily relate or won’t care therefore your testimony might die inside them or might never be shared. The same thing would have happened if the man that was possessed stayed in the region of Geresanes to share his testimony. The greatness Jesus did in him and the opportunity for many to have hope, praise God and to give their lives to Christ will have vanished. And the kingdom of God will not have multiplied [grew]. Knowing these and the harden hearts of the people in that region, Jesus sent the man away after he first came to testify to Jesus [by wanted to follow Him]. Jesus has called us to proclaim the goodness His done in our lives so people can marvel, be filled with awe, be amazed, and end up glorifying, praising God and saying “Nothing like this has ever been seen2 here.

Picture this, what happen when you are in awe in front of a wedding dress as a bride to be? Or in front of a thing you desire most? You buy it with no hesitation, right? Even if more beautiful other dresses come by, you won’t have eyes for them anymore, isn’t it? Same thing with people in awe after sharing their testimony. It will make them forget about other gods, their problems but get hooked and drawn closer to the God that made it happen for you instead. No matter what comes next, they will not turn to other Gods, because your testimony was the seed that marveled them.

Jesus said thru Him the Father will show greater works that will amaze us. “For the Father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing. And greater works than these will He show him, so that you may marvel [will be amazed]”3. As Christ lives in us, therefore, God will perform His miracles in us, using us not Angels. As Jesus couldn’t do by Himself but through the Father, we also cannot do without Christ. Give your life to Jesus now in order for God to performs His good works in you. Jesus calls us to share the goodness of God to all [those who fear Him4, don’t know Him, or the hopeless].

Let’s go back to the main point of this post which is the three different levels of blessings you can activate through testifying. In order to illustrate on the first two out of the three types of level of blessing you can receive; we will navigate through different books in the Bible. We all know the story of the ten lepers that Jesus cleansed on His way to Jerusalem according to the Book of Luke 17. As we read, we see that this miracle of cleansing that Jesus executed, emphasizes the importance of faith. For Jesus didn’t say: “My power has saved you” but attributed the healing to the faith of the lepers. Because they believed that Jesus could heal them, their prayers were answered. When you pray, do you believe? Answer to prayers is not define by its length but by our faith . 

3 Ways Testifying can change your blessing

How we testify after an answer to a faith-based prayer can alter the blessing in three different ways:

1-Testifying to the source

As we read in Luke 17, after the lepers were healed only one returned to thank Jesus [returned to testify to the source]. Even though Jesus ordered them to go and give offerings as Moses prescribed, why do you think only one came back to testify? This is what Jesus asked to the one that came back and testified with praises: “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner? Because this one did what the other didn’t, Jesus said to him, ‘Rise and go your way, your faith has made [restored] you well’ 5. Why did Jesus said “Rise”? It implies he was either kneeling down, bowing down, or prostrated. Which also means when we testify, we need to show a sign of humility, worship, respect, and submission.

You might think the leper didn’t testify and that’s where we missed the point. For He did testify by coming back, bowing to Jesus and saying thanks for what Jesus did, which is a form of testimony. As a result of testifying to the source [Jesus], he not only received a physical healing but a spiritual one as well for he got restore as a whole not partially as the other nine did. Also, Jesus didn’t send him back to the priests but to go his way [which can be anywhere] because Jesus is the highest priest. As we walk with Jesus, He will break protocol for us. I am pretty sure this guy didn’t shut his mouth wherever he went. He must have shown himself off to all and praise the name of Jesus to all for what Jesus has done in his life.

Imagine yourself seeking for employment, new car, fruit of the womb, or desiring God’s blessings on any area of your life. You go to either a man [or woman] of God, a prayer partner or loved one to join you in agreement in prayer. You might have done this over one- or multiple-times with the person together or separately until your miracle came forth. Now that you have what you asked for but the person that sweat with you in prayer is the last to know or last to hear the good news. This means for one reason or the other, you went to someone else to testify, even sow seed or gave offering there. God will recognize your testimony and your seed or offering but the blessing will not be sealed. In order to seal that testimony, you have to return back to the person who sweat[prayed] with you and testify, give offering or sow your seed there as the Spirit leads you. Just like that one leper came back and got a complete/full restoration while the nine lepers receive partial healing. You too will be received full (physical and spiritual) healing/blessings as you testify to the source. We serve a faithful God.

2-Omitting to Testify to the source but to Others

This category is for the people that do not testify to the source as our 9 lepers we read above. By omitting or purposefully testifying not to the source or where you got your prayer from, you are setting yourself short. Who says the person you are testifying to and gloating with is happy for God blessing in your life? Will it edify them or glorify God?

You are not only going to miss the sealing of your testimony but will receive partial blessings. Which are usually temporary. And the next time you are trying to return back to your prayer partner, you might not be able to connect back with them because you burnt the bridge. Even in testimony there are laws to follow for we serve a God of principles who show us the way.

Because the 9 lepers were only focused on the temporal healing, little/crumbs blessings, they weren’t elevated by God or be blessed to the extends Jesus has set for them and the same applies to us all. For God saw in their hearts that they love His blessing more than Him. They got what they wanted from the source and said bye to Jesus, little to know that they didn’t take all from the source. They were immature because they thought Jesus only had healing to give, not knowing that He also has salvation. Let us not be quick to focus on our blessings but to go back to the source which will require humility.

Ask yourself this question, ‘if God answer my prayer of giving me whatever I have asked [prayer], would I continue to pray with the same intensity? Would I seek, spend time with Him like I did when I was asking?’ Maybe that’s why your answers are either not coming yet or you got a partial answer to your prayer. We serve a God of options and abundant blessings who gives us more than what we asked for. So, don’t limit Him or yourself for you deserve more than a partial blessing if you focus on the source not the things you receive from the source. The problem is not the blessing we received but what we do or become after we receive them. God is against what we become (proud, looking down on people) after we receive His blessings. He wants us not to forget Him after He has blessed and lifted us up. Don’t love the blessing and healing more than the person that is blessing or healing you. His presence is what we need to go after.

The 9 Fruits of the Spirit

We are called to the ministry of others not to ourselves. Our lives are not a mistake and our ordeals are not to punish us but by sharing the goodness of God [testimony] it will produce hope [seed] that will be planted in others’ lives; it will produce good fruits [Hope, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control] 6 , and will also bring glory to God. So, don’t think Jesus rescued us for ourselves, NO but He did that to position us in a way He wants to use us to impact others’ lives and grow His kingdom. The key is to stay connected with Christ in order to prosper .

Therefore, I encourage you to reach out to others who are suffering. Offer hope to people that are hurt by testifying will give meaning to your suffering – and glory to God. 2 Corinthians 1:4 says “I comfort you in all your troubles so that you can comfort others”. At this point of this post, you must have found some areas in your life that is worth sharing with someone else. Don’t do like the nine lepers but go, testify and give thanks first to the source before going to others so you can receive the grace of God. “Your story [testimony] truly matter to all”.

3-Not Testifying at all

To illustrate this point, we will use the Bible story of the man with one talent in Matthew 25:24-25. There was a master who had three servants and one of them received one talent but didn’t care to fulfill his master’s expectation. Though the man received what he could handle, he was too lazy to work and multiply his talent. The talent in this story represents freely given gifts/blessings that we have received from God since the day we were born. Even though we all have different talents, we all have to work them out. You may be asking how is this related to testifying? Talents are not just a gift or a possession that you receive but also how to work them out will result of testifying about them; which indirectly is preaching the good news. We are not called to hide, buried or keep it to ourselves the great things God has done. Instead God wants us to use the talent(s) He has entrusted in us to increase and be productive with it. He is calling us to testify [share] them to others, in other words to work so others can be saved. By doing so, the kingdom of God will enlarge and God will give us more blessings (talent) as he did with the other two who were productive with their talents. But if we don’t share our testimonies with others, God will not give us more opportunities [miracles] to testify.

By now, we know what God is expecting and demanding of us. Don’t be like this one talent man and buried the talent God gave you for the sake of God is asking too much or He is too strict. We came into this world with nothing, all we have now came from God and we are here to do His work and purposes. Whatever God has given you, it’s up to you to make better use of it in an timely manner and efficiently. Even if you think you don’t have anyone to testify to, wait on God’s timing; for He will bring someone your way who is going through what you went through. The more you hold back testifying, the more you will be unproductive and miss your complete blessing. God didn’t create us to be a slave or victim of the enemy but created us with “plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and future”7. Your life is worth it and precious in Jesus eyes so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

God doesn’t lack people to work for Him. If you think you are too proud and don’t have time now to do God’s work by fulfilling your calling, He will raise someone else to do it for you. God plans are bigger than ours plans and His ways are not our ways. As we are procrastinating, His plans are ongoing whether we are on board or not. He is not waiting but we are the one in preparation for his coming. So, get on board and grab what belongs to you. Don’t let pride, ego, fame, lazyness, wealth, or your own understanding derives you from your blessing.

Revelation 12:11

I have illustrated the three levels of blessing one can activate through testifying. Which can result to no blessing, a temporal one, or a full blessing. Revelation 12:11 says “they overcame by the blood of the Lamb [Jesus] and by the word of their testimony“. That ‘s how we will overcome and expand God’s territory. We already have the Blood of Jesus speaking for us, for we are no longer fighting for victory but standing in a place of victory with Jesus, as His blood purchased our lives back. It’s now up to us to testify what God has done to others in order to seal that blessing so that people might be edified, invited to believe in Christ and that Christ can be honored. This is the basics we need to get back to.

God has laid in my heart to create this blog since I came back from Mexico for my first mission trip in 2018. I didn’t know where to start, how to go about it therefore, started procrastinating and pushing things aside. One day, as I needed to talk to someone, I called a friend on mine as the Spirit led in my heart to do so in order to get clarity on some personal issues. As we were talking, God started revealing things to him about me regarding the assignment He had wanted me to do which I was procrastinating about. And our conversation switched from the reason of my call to something I didn’t expect. I believe God used him to guide me and to deliver His message, as this friend is a life coach by profession. He guided me, prayed for me and provided some materials that will help me along the way free of charge. Later on, I sow a seed to him for what God did through him to seal and activate the prophesy, to get strength and guidance from God. After I studied one out of many of his material(video) given to me, I was able to design, build my blog and publish it live in less than three days. And since then my mindset has changed, I wrote a testimony on my friend’ social media site as directed by him after I spoke to him about the miracle that happened. Praise the Lord!

I could have given my seed to a Church other than my friend’s ministry, or could’ve even testified to other people than him, and God may have still blessed me, but the blessing would have lasted only for a short time or may have been the last good testimony I would have had. Everything arts related on my blog is the product of my friend materials and I am sure by the time I complete the study he provided to me [other videos], I will be blessed and produce more for God’s kingdom. One may ask, how am I so confident and sure this will happen? Guess what, I don’t need and I don’t want to know “the what if…” all I can do is to work and go by faith. And even if after doing all of that nothing had happened, I will still praise and give glory to my God. For God’s glory are not always physical, He is working behind the scene all the time, and saving us from troubles that we don’t even know. So, by going back to testify to the person that prayed and helped you out, and/or sowing seed/offering in the place you got your testimony from; you are connecting and unknowingly tabbing into the anointing of that person. After that, you can later on go testify to others. That’s what seals and activates another level and makes your breakthrough or testimony completes.

So, I encourage you today, not to fall short of your blessings because you missed the last steps which are testifying and sowing seed or give thanks to the source. I exhort you to get into the habit to go back to the source [where you get your prayer from] so you can seal what God has given to you. Certainly don’t hold your blessing because you are shy or can’t testify in public or to others. Jesus said that “Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.8. He also said that He “… comfort you in all your troubles so that you can comfort others9. Who do you comfort with your testimony?

Therefore, share how God is your strength, defense, protector, provider, deliverer, working wonders, and became your salvation; how He is your God subsequently, you worship and exalt Him10 and call Him “Abba Father”. Almighty God, as You have comforted me in my troubles, guide and comfort the person reading this with Your love so that s/he can also be a source of comfort to others in Jesus name, Amen!. If you haven’t committed your life to Christ, now is the good time to give your life to Him in order for God to performs His good works in you. Say this with me: ‘Jesus, I surrender all to You, I repent of my sins and ask for forgiveness. I invite you in my life and make You, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior in Jesus name.’ Congratulations and welcome to the family of Christ. Find a faith-based Bible Church in your area and get connected if you haven’t.

Let’s pray…

Almighty Father, I thank you for your Words and faithfulness; let Your love in my life be action not only words in Jesus name. Holy Spirit, help me to overcome the things that are hindering me to proclaim what God has done in my life. Help me to see my life as testimony to tell others and not as pain or burden for You paid the price on the cross for me in Jesus Name. Almighty God, as You comforted [or are comforting] me in my troubles, help me also to be a source of comfort to others in Jesus name.
Give me Oh Lord, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment on how to take immediate action after an encounter and how to go by my days to be pleasing to You. By Your grace Lord, give me passion and boldness to testify about Your goodness in my life to others. I declare and decree that my old pattern of thinking is replaced by the word [promises] of God.

According to 2 Timothy 1:7, I declare I am not timid to share my story to others, but I have power, love, and a sound mind to testify the goodness of the Lord. According to Ephesians 1:11-12, I declare and decree I am chosen, I am accepted, and adopted into God’s family; and according to Romans 8:15, I have the Holy Spirit, so I am no longer a slave to fear, rejection nor pain in Jesus name.
Abba, Father give me a tangible testimony that will fill people with awe, amazement, and marvel them to a point they will be thinking they are dreaming and will know it is Your hands [Lord] over it all. May my testimony edify others and bring them closer to You as Your name is glorify in the process in Jesus name, I have prayed, Amen!

God bless you! Don’t forget to share this post to bless someone else that needs to hear this. Go boldly with confidence and know God is faithful and loves you. For there is something in you that is worth testifying about. Therefore, go and tell somebody about the goodness, blessings, miracles, and grace the Lord has done in your life to others. As you do this, may you never lack things to testify about. May those that looked down on you may now look up to you as God blesses you in all areas of your life in Jesus name, Amen!.

“I mean that I want us to help each other with the faith that we have. Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you”. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes...”11

References: 1-;                2- Matthew 9:8,33;  3- John 5:20 ESV;  4- Psalms 66:16;  5- Luke 17:17-19;          6- Galatians 5:22-23;  7- Jeremiah 29:11;  8- Matthew 10:32 NLT;                       9- 2 Corinthians 1:4; 10- Exodus 15:2; 11- Romans 1:12, 16.